
This sense works by emitting high-frequency sounds (200,000 waves per second) through a specialized organ called “the melon.” The sounds bounce back when they hit an object, like prey, and return to the dolphin as an echo. The teeth pick up the returning sound, and it is drawn to the auditory nerve and then to the brain.
The use of echolocation gives dolphins the possibility of knowing the shape, size, weight and density of the object and even to identify some species or dangers. United States and Russian Navy have used military trained dolphins since 1960, as seen in this video: click here
Article referebce:

A group of scientists from the US and UK have made an astounding finding of what cetaceans see with ultrasound. They have obtained a 3D image of a diver as seen by a dolphin using echolocation, as seen in this amazing video: What dolphins see using echolocation.
Scientists try to communicate with bottlenose dolphins!!! Isn’t it awesome!!
- Watch this video clip -

How do dolphins communicate?

For 28 years, Denise Herzing has spent five months each summer living with a pod of Atlantic spotted dolphins, following three generations of family relationships and behaviours. It's clear they are communicating with one another -- but is it language?
Could humans use it too? She shares a fascinating new experiment to test this idea, take a look:
Dolphin chit-chat is similar to ours!!
Researchers at the Karadag Nature Reserve, in Feodosia, Russia have recorded two Black Sea bottlenose dolphins by the names Yasha and Yana. The recordings reveal the two having conversations consisting of sentences up to five words in length. This shows that dolphins have a language very similar to our own.
Check it out:
“Dolphins are able to identify each other using their own individual “signature whistles.” Bottlenose dolphins have the ability to create booms exceeding 230 decibels, mainly as a hunting weapon to stun fish”. -
A study conducted in 2018 by Rachel Morrison and Diana Reiss proved that dolphins exhibit self awareness at a mirror at a younger age than previously reported for children or other species. When presented with a mirror, human infants aren’t usually able to recognize themselves until they are around 12 months old. Bottlenose dolphins, on the other hand, are able to recognize themselves at just seven months old. The experiment was done on both male and female dolphins to get a range of results.
Article reference:
Self – awareness test video:


Dolphins use echolocation that allows their brains to translate sound into images and vice-versa.


The intelligence of dolphins is one of their most outstanding features. Among the thousands of members that the animal kingdom has, dolphins take one of the top places regarding intelligence.They process pain and emotions like us humans, are self-aware and also have a highly developed language.


Dolphins Have Acute Vision Both In And Out Of The Water. A Dolphin's Eye Is Particularly Adapted For Seeing Under Water.
Bottlenose Dolphins Hear Tones With A Frequency Up To 160 KHz
The Skin Of Bottlenose Dolphins Is Sensitive To Vibrations.
Mission Ocean

Quote of the year

“There is a blackout in media coverage of issues concerning whales and dolphins in Japan, with the exception of the government's viewpoint. It is simply amazing how little good information (and how much bad information) the public in Japan gets about the worldwide controversy over whaling and dolphin killing, all because the media bows to the wishes of the Japan Fisheries Agency.”

Ric  O'Barry


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